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Yes, customers can pay in cash after their trip ends or they reach their desired destination. If are using the Jeeny app for the first time, don't forget to redeem the Jeeny first order promo code: "" after selecting your preferred payment method. This will instantly give you a 40% discount, making your trip even more affordable.
Use: 100% VALID COUPON! Currently, there are 0 verified working discount coupon codes available for Jeeny in Oman. Alcoupon website has successfully helped 586741 users this month to save more by using these active promo voucher codes.
It’s easy to find Jeeny promo codes from oman.alcoupon.com discounts and coupons website in Oman. Activate deals by clicking on the red “Get Coupon” button, then click the “Copy” button to save Jeeny voucher code in your clipboard and apply it at checkout.
By visiting Alcoupon Oman website, you can choose the suitable Jeeny promo voucher code from the 0 coupons available for online shopping to Muscat, Seeb, Salalah... etc and click to copy and use the one that gives you the best discount and biggest savings at checkout.
To use Jeeny Oman coupons and discount codes, simply click the red “Copy” button on Alcoupon’s Jeeny deals and vouchers page. After copying the code, you can type your promo code into the box under “Enter Promo Code” at checkout. Coupons are valid for online shopping in all Oman cities including Muscat, Seeb, Salalah... etc.
Explore Alcoupon website, to effortlessly find the latest Jeeny promo code 2025 (), and easily redeem it when you book your first trip through the Jeeny App for a fantastic discount!! Utilize this exclusive code to enjoy an instant reduction in price.
Unlock the special Jeeny discount code () and enjoy incredible savings of 40% OFF your first ride with Jeeny, ONLY valid for new users.
Discover and indulge in the latest and most exclusive Jeeny coupons through the Al Coupon website. Seamlessly save on ride bookings from the Jeeny platform with a simple browse through our website and app.
To take advantage of Jeeny offers, simply head over to the Al Coupon website. There, you can explore the latest and most effective discounts and promotions available on the Jeeny app.
Redeem the exclusive Jeeny coupon code Oman: () to enjoy a special price reduction of 40% OFF your first requested rides, trips, and transfers. When finalizing booking your ride through the Jeeny app, simply enter Jeeny first ride promo code on this page. Don't miss out on this amazing offer from Alcoupon!!
Jeeny code 2025 | Jeeny offers 2025
Use the Jeeny promo code Oman: () & enjoy the best ride services with crazy discounts through the Jeeny app.
Now the Jeeny website provides you with all rides to any destination you want in Oman by the best drivers while moving safely and at competitive prices for everyone.
Hurry up and book the trip you want, and you can specify the starting point of the trip and where it ends with the best means of transportation through the Jeeny website. The site also provides a section dedicated to drivers who want to get job opportunities with Jeeny and earn a living through it, provided that they have a private car that matches the standards required. Do not forget to use the Jeeny code, which is available exclusively on Al Coupon website, when booking from the Jeeny Oman website, to enjoy an immediate discount on all your ride bookings from the site.
Before confirming your booking request and selecting your preferred payment method, don't miss out on the exclusive Jeeny offers in Oman. Be sure to utilize the Jeeny first ride promo code for an instant discount on your first booking. Enjoy your rides with Jeeny and save!
You can get a taxi from the Jeeny website by logging in to the site, then selecting the destination you want, with the ability to choose the type of car you want.
The cost of the ride from Jeeny depends on the location where the customer is and the destination they want to reach.
Jeeny provides rides to all those in Oman.
Jeeny provides customers with the cost of rides to any destination, immediately after booking from it.
The site allows the customer to schedule the trip. As for the arrival of the car, it depends on the distance between the customer's location and the rides’ office.
Jeeny allows customers to cancel the trip as soon as it is booked from them, provided that the reason for canceling the reservation is stated.
Jeeny requires the customer to pay a fine if they want to cancel their ride booking after the car arrives.
Jeeny will return the amount of the booking to be refunded with the same original payment method.
If you have any questions about how to cancel the trip, just contact customer service and you will be answered as soon as possible.