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Specialization: Ebay specializes in selling antiques, books and magazines, clothes and shoes, electronics, event tickets, home decor, vehicles, musical instruments, sporting goods and fitness equipment, children's toys, video games and consoles, watches and jewelry and many more. It also provides an Ebay discount code to all of its valued customers from Oman.
Languages: English / Russian / Spanish / German / Japanese / Italian among other languages
Quality Assurance: eBay Buyer Protection is a feature that promises shoppers that eBay will interfere with disputes between buyers and sellers if the product does not meet the seller’s description, and the buyer and seller have failed to act sufficiently to resolve a dispute.
Ebay.com is a platform for buying and selling as the site does not store and sell its own products. It provides a space for sellers to display their products and goods and a platform to reach buyers, and manage their warehouses. The site's unique auction system provides buyers with the opportunity to bid on goods, and often getting them at less than retail prices.
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Shipping and delivery time varies depending on the seller, country and postal service. First make sure that the seller ships directly to different cities in Oman and how long does the shipment need to arrive. And don't forget to use the Ebay coupon codes and deals found on this page to save more money.
It varies from seller to seller according to each merchant’s return and refund policy, so you should check the return policy before purchasing.